Creation Carvings
Creation Carvings was named so with one intent, to bring Glory to God. I have always found the topic of creation, as described in the Genesis account, to be interesting. I am thankful to be created in the image of God. This "image" is one of intellect and moral decision making. There are many things that God is passionate about, primarily His covenant faithfulness, His judgment, and His righteousness, Jeremiah 9:24.
Scripture also supports His delight in creating, and it is this attribute that I am thankful He has placed in my heart as well. Creating from God's creation has been a part of my heart ever since I was a young child. I have always enjoyed crafts from my early days in cub scouts to shop classes in high school and now carving as part of our family's income. Creating is a great way to express yourself.
I have been told many times that Creation Carvings faces look a bit stoic.
There is probably a good reason for my carvings looking this way. It is frequent that while carving I am listening to sermons from godly men who cry out against the sins of the world and plead for the salvation of souls. These men of God convict my soul of worldly pursuits and often I am broken over my small view of God. When I walk out of my shop with the raw carving in hand ready to be given a glossy finish I too notice the concerned look of the carving. Perhaps we all need to have time in our day where proper concerns are brought forward in our mind. In this world of mind-numbing entertainment, it is easy to neglect the weightier matters of the world. God has used Carvings to give me reflection time and brokenness that I did not have before.
May God use Creation Carvings to help others reflect on His creation of beautiful trees and wood types; but even more, may God use Creation Carvings to help people reflect on Christ and the tree that He was nailed to for our transgressions.

This is a great article. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Its so refreshing to see other Christian Creatives. It quite cool that you get to partner with God in creating by carving wood that he has created, it sounds like a fun collaboration!
Also I find it amazing that the first thing we learn about God is that He created. And I enjoy all the symbolism of wood and trees throughout the bible: The Tree of knowledge of good and evil, The Tree of Life, Jesus was crucified on a tree.
Received my mushroom walking stick today. I am so excited to give it as a Christmas gift. Beautiful work. Thank you.
Thank you for such wonderful walking stick for my wife and I. We have been wanting one for a long time and thanks to you we have a walking stick we can pass down to our family. They turned out beautiful; we will be in NC for a couple weeks. Thanks again:
Jessica and Rick Miller.
God has given you this talent and so much more to be shared. Touching the lives of others in many ways by carving, teaching, and sharing God’s word is exciting. Thank you!